
Goedheer (A. J.)

  • 1912–?
  • (agents)
Dutch scholar who wrote his PhD thesis on the Irish and Norse traditions about the battle of Clontarf (submitted 1938) under the supervision of A. G. van Hamel.
Goedheer, A. J., Celtic studies in the Netherlands, The Celtic Digest, 1, New York, 1939.
Goedheer, A. J., Irish and Norse traditions about the battle of Clontarf, Nederlandsche bijdragen op het gebied van Germaansche philologie en linguistiek, 9, Haarlem: Tjeenk Willink, 1938.
Delpher: <link>

See also: Hamel (A. G. van)
Hamel (A. G. van)
(d. 1945)
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Page created
March 2018, last updated: March 2023